Essential commands for operating Git hub

Essential commands for operating Git hub
git --version
git config --global "sunnysinghdev"
git config --global ""
git config --list
git diff //
git init // Create local git
rm -rf .git //remove git from local computer
git status
git reset filename
touch .gitignore // list file names to ignore file push.

// Directly push your changes to server.

git clone "https://domain/user/project.git"
git add -A // Add Changes
git commit -m "Message" // Commit your changes
git push

// Create a branch and then push your changes to server.

git branch <branchName>
git checkout <branchName>
git add -A // Add Changes
git commit -m "Message" // Commit your changes
git branch master
git merge <branchName>
git pull -- rebose origin master  // update code from server
git push


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