
Extension Method in C#

Important points for the use of extension methods: An extension method must be defined in a top-level static class. An extension method with the same name and signature as an instance method will not be called. Extension methods cannot be used to override existing methods. The concept of extension methods cannot be applied to fields, properties or events. Overuse of extension methods is not a good style of programming.

Essential commands for operating Git hub

Essential commands for operating Git hub git --version git config --global "sunnysinghdev" git config --global "" git config --list git diff // git init // Create local git rm -rf .git //remove git from local computer git status git reset filename touch .gitignore // list file names to ignore file push. // Directly push your changes to server. git clone "https://domain/user/project.git" git add -A // Add Changes git commit -m "Message" // Commit your changes git push // Create a branch and then push your changes to server . git branch <branchName> git checkout <branchName> git add -A // Add Changes git commit -m "Message" // Commit your changes git branch master git merge <branchName> git pull -- rebose origin master  // update code from server git push